Monday, March 30, 2009


The episode begins aboard Ajira flight 316. After the flash of light, it suddenly becomes daytime. Why does time change? We know that they are still in 2007, so conceivably they simply moved breifly in time. Yet - this still throws a curveball.

The plane stalls, and dives toward the island. Frank and his co-pilot spot a runway. Could this be the runway that the Others had Sawyer and Juliet help them build when they were captives in season 3? Ben may have known that the plane would crash and they would need a runway, therefore (in the past) he ordered its construction.

Frank, Sun, and Ben are not flashed away with Jack, Kate, and Hurley. Why? We do not yet know. Not knowing much about Frank's past, it is hard to nail down a commmon denominator.

Later in the episode, we see Jin go to the Flame in order to figure out where the plane crashed (not knowing it crashed in 2007). There he meets with the Dharma worker staffing the Flame - none other than Radzinsky. We have seen him before! Well, rather, we have seen him as a splatter on the cieling. He was the one who Kelvin said (to Desmond, while they were in the Swan) 'blew his brains out'. So - why does Radzinsky commit suicide, assuming that Kelvin was telling the truth? I think it's safe to say that we will see more Kelvin.

We get to see the baby that is born to Amy. AND - it's none other than Ethan! Note: Ethan is not killed in 'the purge'. Why?? The main possible theory is that Amy was in fact leaving the DI to join the hostiles! When we first saw her, she was hooded, and her husband was shot and killed by two hostiles. Was this because Amy's husband caught her trying to make an escape and the two hostiles then killed him? Was she being hooded to go back to the hostiles' camp? This would give some explanation as to why Ethan and Amy wouldn't be around the Dharma camp for the purge. I think we'll see some more of Amy. The actress who plays her is best known as Michelle Dessler in '24'.

Great to see the 70's like kibbutz-life. Wonderful to see Sun hit Ben in the head with the oar. She is not the same woman who crashed on the island. She used Ben in order to get information as to where the canoe is and where 'New Otherton' is. And - when she and Jack were walking on the dock, and saw Smokey...I half expected Jason Vorhees to pop out of the water and grab them.

Some people have claimed to have seen a silhoutte move in the background while Christian Shepard is talking to Frank and Sun. You can almost see something in the background when he says "I'm sorry, but you have a long journey ahead of you." Some people think it's Claire. Could be. What I think is more interesting is that when they were outside the cabin, the light flicked on, as though a switch were turned on. Yet when they walk in with Shepard, the place is dark and it's obvious that the cabin has been abandoned and has no power.

Overall, a great episode.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

La Fleur

Overall thoughts
I was really thrilled to see this Sawyer-centric episode. It really – finally, after so many years – made his character so much deeper. He is capable of ‘evolving’. For more than four years, he’s been a somewhat witty red-neck, who had a shady past.
It was really awesome to see the Juliet-Sawyer relationship develop, and I CANNOT WAIT to see the Jack-Kate-Sawyer triangle develop into a Jack-Kate-Sawyer-Juliet rectangle!! In all, this was just a great, old-fashioned LOST episode...lots of plot progression and lots of emotion (wasn't it great to see Juliet succesfully deliver a baby?). Great episode.

The Statue
The episode begain with a shot of the sealed well, and then Myles, Juliet, Sawyer, and Jin look and see the statue...

Back in the season finale of season 2, when Michael (on orders from Bea Klugh) coerces Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley to go to the Others' camp, Sayid, Jin, and Sun take the sailboat around the island to try to save their friends. On the way, they spot the remnants of a large stone statue. All that is left is a foot. Sayid says something to the effect of - "I don't know what troubles me more...the fact that most of the statue is gone, or that the foot only has four toes."

So, in Le Fleur we got to see more of the statue. We only get to see its back side, but we can learn some pretty significant things from it. First, we can clearly see that it is wearing a loincloth, is not wearing a shirt, and it appears to have pointed ears. My guess is that it is an Egyptian-style statue.

Let's look at some clues to incorporate the Egyptian theories.
  • Hieroglyphics - when the clock in the Swan was allowed to drop below 0, hieroglyphics appear.
  • Eyeliner - since the appearance of Richard Alpert, many people have commented on the fact that he wears eyeliner. And tonight, we even heard Sawyer say what we’ve all been thinking…that Richard wears eyeliner. In ancient Egypt, both aristocratic men and women wore eyeliner.
  • Cross - the looped ankh cross we saw was also a symbol associated with the Egyptian god Horace, and stood for life and fertility.
Another theory is that the statue might be Richard. I think he somehow predates everything else on the island…Dharma, etc. We know that the statue has four toes...will we see Richard in flip-flops this season??

I do have a seperate theory that Richard and the hostiles were survivors from The Black Rock, but - we'll see.

The baby
So, Amy and Horace's baby...this is presumably about 1977 (the year I was born!!) - the Losties get transported back to 74 when they first run into Amy being captured by the hostiles. Three years later would be '77. The 'real-time' (before the time-jumping started) on Lost is about 2005, so the baby boy would be about 28. Who could it be? By a process of elimination: not Daniel Farraday (his mother is Elise), not Myles (assuming that he is the son of Pierre Chang)...could it be Carl??? Carl may be too young, but...maybe.

I think it is safe to assume that Jin taught Charlotte Korean...question is, why doesn't she remember that when she meets Jin again?

Disappearing act
Why does Charlotte disappear? It might be that they go to a point where Charlotte already exists, as a young girl. This might be a bit heavy a la Back to the Future, but - it might just be that you cannot meet yourself.

Adam and Eve
Ok, so we still haven't seen Bernard and Rose. Apparently there is no sign of them for three years. I for one am starting to get concerned. I think it is inevitable...they must have been injured in the attack by the hostiles, and they made their way back to the cave. They are 'Adam and Eve' - the two bodies discovered by the Losties in the first season.

Lost for a Lifetime

So - I have been watching Lost since the second week of the series. I missed the first episode when it originally aired back in 2004, but - my father called and asked me if I saw it. Luckily, the second week they replayed the series premiere before the second episode.

I love this show...I just don't know of any other show that is so intellectually challenging as Lost. This show is the reason for watercooler talk.

So - after just watching a great episode - La Fleur - I decided that I needed an outlet for all my speculation, thoughts, insights, and theories. I hope you enjoy the blog!